Resources & Links

Here you will find the resources mentioned in our sermon series and other study aids. You may also find useful links.

Choose the resource that interests you.

How to understand the Bible?

Here you will find the resources mentioned in the “How to study the Bible” series.

The Bible is composed of many genres of literature, and each genre has its own principles for reading and understanding it properly. For an introduction to how to study the Bible (an overview of the general rules that apply to every genre) and a quick guide to how to read biblical stories (the narrative genre), you can get our How to Read the Bible Study Guide #1.

For a good overview of how to read biblical poetry (poetry genre), please read How to Read the Bible Study Guide #2.

For an overview of biblical wisdom literature (the “wisdom genre”), we recommend you watch the 3-part series on biblical wisdom. Although their coverage is incomplete, especially on the book of Job, it is a worthy resource. Here is the link to their playlist. You can also download a sketch of each of the three books that make up the main corpus of wisdom literature in the Bible: book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job.
You can also watch our presentation on Sabbath school at this link (a 28-minute presentation where Pastor Mabio expands on the books of Ecclesiastes and Job).

Check back here often as we continue this series.

Revelation: The End or a New Beginning?

Here you will find the resources mentioned in our weekly Wednesday night Bible study over the book of Revelation.

For a general introduction of the Book of Revelation and how to get hope to overcome the demands, fears, and anxiety that are characteristic of today’s world, please read our Study Guide 01, “Hope for Today.” Other study guides are available upon request via the contact form.

For a brief explanation of the most recurring symbols in biblical prophecy (with Bible references for the explanation), please read the Prophetic Symbols table.

To watch the ongoing series from the comfort of your own home, use this YouTube playlist. Keep in mind we post the videos, on average, two weeks after the event, so keep coming back to see the updates.

Finally, here’s the handout (the PDF of the slides) for “Judgement Hour: Introduction to the Seven Trumpets of Revelation” (02/15/2023).

General Bible Questions

For answers about the most asked Bible questions, look to the resources below.

Please visit Bible Info if you have any general Bible questions. If you are interested to know more about the history of the Bible, check this article.

You can also reach us directly via our contact form for any Bible questions you may have.

Questions About the Seventh-day Adventist church

For answers about who we are, our beliefs, our history, etc.

Please visit “Ask a Adventist Friend” website if you have any questions about the Seventh-day Adventist.

If you want to know about the internationally famous Adventist Health Studies ((remember National Geographic’s Blue Zones? ), you can get a good overview here in this page.

You can also reach us directly via our contact form for any questions you may have about our church.